Get Payment Details (v2)

Returns the details of a specific payment.

You will need to enable the PERM_BUSINESS_GET_PAYMENT permission to use this endpoint.

As your customer goes through the payment submission journey, the payment status will change. The endpoint will return one of the following statuses:

  • AWAITING_AUTHORISATION - This is the initial status of all payments, indicating that the user has consented to be directed to their ASPSP/Bank's application. Payments remaining at this status may be considered abandoned.
  • AWAITING_MULTI_AUTHORISATION - Some business accounts require dual authorisation for payments.
  • NOT_AUTHORISED - This is a final status, and indicates that the payment initiation was cancelled by the customer, rejected by the ASPSP/Bank, an error response returned by the ASPSP/Bank, eg. low balance in the customers account.
  • PENDING - The customer has authorised the payment in their app, but their ASPSP/bank may want to carry out an internal check before funding the transaction.
  • AUTHORISED - The payment is successfully initiated, having been authorised by your customer and their ASPSP/Bank.

Once the payment is successfully initiated, ie. AUTHORISED, the ASPSP/Bank should settle the funds, which are then applied to your Fire account.

  • FUNDS_CONFIRMED - This status is currently available for GBP payments only. The payment has been received by Fire and will be applied to your account in the next file run.
  • SETTLED - This is a final status, indicating that funds have been applied to your Fire GBP or EUR account.
API Access Token
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