Get Payment Details

Returns the details of a specific payment.

As the customer goes through the process of making the payment the status of the payment will change.

  • AWAITING_AUTHORISATION -This is the initial status of all your payments.
  • AWAITING_MULTI_AUTHORISATION - Some business accounts such as charities require dual authorisation.
  • NOT_AUTHORISED - Either your customer clicked on cancel or the payment was rejected by their ASPSP / bank.
  • PENDING - This is the status that your payment is set to after the customer has authorised the payment with their ASPSP / bank but the bank may want to carry out another check before funding the transaction.
  • AUTHORISED - This is the status that your payment is set to after the customer has authorised the payment with their ASPSP / bank.
  • PAID - Funds were received into your GBP or EUR account from your customer’s ASPSP / bank.

You will need to enable the PERM_BUSINESS_GET_PAYMENT permission to use this endpoint.

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